Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bug Me

Here is another fun music game called "Bug Me."  There are a few differnt ways to play the game.  One is a file folder game, and another game uses a dice and worksheet.  Here is the link to print.

Hope you enjoy!  Christina


  1. For your "Stop Bugging Me" game, do I need to make a die with a bug on one side? I was hoping you could clear up also what are the "Stop Bugging Me" (page 2 of the printable) used for exactly? Thank you, Beautiful graphics and great idea!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. There are a few differnt ways to play the game. One is a file folder game, and another game uses a dice and worksheet. Here is the link to print. mfacefilms

  4. Hi Elizabeth,
    I'm a little dense so can you please explain the game in more detail?
    About the dice for instance. Do you make a bug dice? how many dice do you use?
    I would so appreciate your help. Can't wait to use this game. It's beautiful.

  5. Hi Elizabeth, I too am a bit dense. I don't get the instructions.

  6. Guess we are all dense! I'm going to make up a printable dice and use the general directions and I don't think I will "erase a score". it the point is to compose music...

  7. I grabbed some foam dice-sized colored cubes from the dollar store and drew on the myself (I’d done this for another game about notes vs rests). This game is WONDERFUL and I’m definitely pulling it out the next time I hear "miiiissssss aaaaasaa... ——- won’t stop bugging me!!!”

  8. Hi Elizabeth, I think this game sounds awesome! I can't wait to use it this year. Thanks for sharing.

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